Product Information
Perfluorooctane with perfluorohexyloctane, ultrapure
F-Octane PLUS is a colorless, homogeneous liquid consisting of 90% perfluorooctane and 10% perfluorohexyloctane (F6H8 ® ). F-Octane PLUS is chemically and physiologically inert, completely non-toxic and laser stable. F-Octane PLUS has a high specific gravity, low viscosity and is insoluble in water. This property and the excellent interfacial and surface tensions prevent F-Octane PLUS from penetrating beneath the retinal tissue. Due to the high physical and chemical stability of both components, F-Octane PLUS is well suited for endophotocoagulation and cryotherapy.
As a medical aid in:
- Deployment of detached retina
- Giant tears
- trauma
- laser coagulation
- cryotherapy
- Lifting of luxated lenses
- Short-term tamponade